Instructor Information
MHDR 2025 Instructor Applications
Now Open!
One of the main goals of MHDR is to help hoopers sink deeper into their hoops, and gain a fuller more in-depth understanding of their prop, not just a handful of new flashy tricks. At MHDR each attendee is looking for personal feedback. That’s why we’re looking for hoop dance teachers with top notch instructing skill that allows them to teach multiple skill levels and personalities at one time.
MHDR instructors are passionate about hooping. They are leaders in the flow arts community who offer a unique perspective on hoop dance. They don’t necessarily have the most experience, or the longest tenure hooping, but they work super hard every day to be better than yesterday.
Does this sound like you? Keep reading to find out more about instructing at MHDR2025.
Instructor Info
Benefits & Expectations
Instructor Expectations
- Instructors for the Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat are asked to teach 1-3 workshops. Most sessions are 45-minutes.
- MHDR is a community experience. Instructors are expected to participate in the event just like any other attendee. We all have something to gain and give by taking others’ workshops. Please come to the retreat ready to share and receive openly.
- If accepted to teach, you will need to download Discord. This is how we will communicate about the retreat.
- MHDR instructors are ambassadors for the retreat. As our biggest supporters, we ask that you share the event online and in person with your communities.
Instructor Benefits
- Instructors are compensated based on need and contribution (i.e. partial or full access retreat pass, monetary fees, travel fees, etc)
- All instructors receive early bird camping access
- An opportunity to share your unique skills and concepts and help build the Michigan hoop community
- Connections and opportunities with flow artists all over Michigan and the Midwest long after MHDR is over
Application Process
The 10th Annual Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat is August 7-11, 2025 at Sunset Place Campground in Mason, MI. MHDR is a community experience. Please plan on staying for the weekend and joining in on the fun.
Complete the application below to be considered as an instructor at MHDR2025
Click below to complete your application today!