For Immediate Release
Contact: Missy Cooke, missy@michiganhoopdanceretreat.com
Michigan Hoop Dance Community Celebrates Its 5th Annual Event and No One Gets Sick
Mason, MI – The Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat quietly celebrated its 5th Annual event in Mason, MI this past August. The Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat (MHDR) is held the 2nd full weekend of August every year, offering workshops and community activities to participants.
2020 marked their 5th anniversary and many longtime attendees were worried the event would be canceled. Missy Cooke, host of the annual event, held off on a final decision as long as possible, hoping the end of summer would allow enough time for Covid restrictions to allow the event to continue safely.
“Our team met in April and everyone was a little awestruck at the situation. By May, things started to feel a little more manageable so we decided to go ahead with as much planning as possible, that wouldn’t lose us a bunch of time or money if we had to cancel at the last minute. So, we sent out instructor and volunteer applications just like normal, and then we waited.”
As summer wore on and smaller in-person events, hair salons, and restaurants reopened, the MHDR team saw a glimmer of hope. The annual event is intimate by design, hosting less than 100 people each year. Coupled with the late summer date, the team felt it would be possible to move forward with caution.
In addition to publishing Covid-19 PPE and social distancing guidelines, attendance was limited to 60 people. Guests were offered an incentive to get tested prior to the retreat and anyone with positive results, or symptoms would be allowed to transfer their ticket to 2021 with no additional cost. The layout of the event was altered to allow for bigger campsites, and common areas were spread out to allow for the best air circulation and distance between attendees.
At the event, MHDR appointed a safety volunteer to conduct interview questions when attendees arrived, and take a contactless temp check of each attendee daily. Hygiene stations were added at key locations across the venue, allowing for soap and water hand washing at any time. Medical grade hand sanitizer was provided, and community areas were wiped down with medical grade cleaner. Bathrooms were scrubbed and cleaned twice daily.
After the retreat, attendees were asked to continue social distancing, and maintain a 2-week window of minimal contact with others in their home communities in the event contact tracing was necessary. Sunday, August 30 marked the end of that 2-week period and to date, no Covid cases or symptoms have been reported to the MHDR team.
The Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat is an annual gathering of hula hoop dancers from across Michigan and the Midwest. MHDR began as a way to connect hoopers from across the state and has grown to be a hallmark of the Michigan Hoop Dance Community. The 6th Annual Michigan Hoop Dance Retreat will be held at Sunset Place in Mason, MI August 13-15 2021.
Find out more at MichiganHoopDanceRetreat.com

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